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This is the program for our membership to learn,build,and program. It all starts with understanding of 3d printing and the TEK involved right into arduino based controllers, motors, flight tuning and alot of learning.
Our 80% ver1 using a US Manufactured flight computer that incorperates cutting edge components including operating in GPS denied enviroments.
Basic design planning:
First lets talk about the design and requirements. This is a completely design as you go process, By this I mean I established some basic parameters, designed then made changes until we got to a product that met our wants.
1. Be able to carry large 6s batteries and have room for internal payloads. This is the reason for the fatbody. Learning as we go the current build uses 1 6s battery and the 80% scale uses 1 4s with lost of room to spare. As battery tek changes we will be able to configure our battery pod to accept different sizes and shapes
2 Has to be able to be 3d printed
3 needs to be flexable for controller and payload
4 Has to be available for as an open source project to allow for community builds and mods. This being a controlled enviroment so all mods and changes can be shared but files controlled by Daytona Drone Club
Updates and improvments are required with any development. Our inhouse 3d printed drone is no exception But we believe we are at a point to release some files for others to evaluate. Our first build is full size but the 80% build is in process also.