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August 23, 2021 11:22 pm
Tips to Avoid a Swollen Battery
- Proper charging – Make sure you charge your battery properly using a quality battery charger. For safety, make sure you put your batteries in a lipo bag while charging. you can insure that if something goes wrong at least it will be contained.
- Don’t over-discharge – Make sure you stop using your battery before the voltage gets to the minimum cut-off voltage.
- Heat kills batteries – Don’t use batteries or charge batteries when they are warm. After you’re done using them, give them a little time to cool off before you charge them. And after you are done charging them, give them a little time before you use them.
- Proper storage – Do not store your batteries in a hot location. Store lipo’s at the proper storage voltage. Swelling increased significantly after only 4 hours of storage when batteries were at a state of charge above 80%.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by admin