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The purchase of a Navio2 control board was over a year ago. working with the development of the Voxl AI flight control system was a good primer for the navio2 because it operates with a Unix based os for the raspberry pi. As we get started we will include steps and lessons learned
This is where the instructions are https://docs.emlid.com/navio2/
first you have to log into the controller ssh pi@navio.local
password is raspberry pi
This setup allows both arduinopilot and PX4. If I were a normal person I would continue to use pX4 following the intense setup issues with the voxl but I chose the Arduinopilot route, why I don't know
As with the previous build (voxl) connection to the Qgroundcontrol is elusive, that is it's not working as a simple setup.
man systemctl
emlidtool test
sudo emlidtool ardupilot
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Connecting to vehicle on: udp:
green LED is solid because Ardupilot isn’t running
First we should download Ardupilot. After you logged in navio type:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apm-navio2
This will install ardupilot. Be patient, it will take a while.
Next thing we should do is to make ardupilot start automatically on boot. To successfully do this we should navigate to /etc/rc.local file on Raspberry pi:
cd ../.. cd etc/
Open it:
sudo nano rc.local
and in insert the following in this file:
sudo nohup ArduCopter-quad -A udp: -C /dev/ttyAMA0 > /home/pi/startup_log &
where IP adress is an IP of your laptop with ground control station. To learn your IP open command line in Windows and type "ipconfig".
In the end you should save and exit file using CTRL+X. Press Yes to save changes. After all this reboot your Rpi. After it will be reloaded an LED on Navio should be blinking.
NOTE: Don't start examples while ardupilot is running. You will get incorrect data.