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This is where the UAVCAN learning begins, where the engineering begins, where canbus takes wings
there are several projects like this that we will develop. https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=38657518&postcount=313
I purchased a can bus GPS and was able to get mission planner to recognize it.
going to the http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=m8q-can#tab-id-8 website to check for software update I followed the instructions at the page bottom to update the firmware to 2.o.
I downloaded the .bin file and followed the instructions and again B.S. mission planner failed to update it and left the gps in software upload mode. So it appears Mission planner is what is causing the problem, as my experience luminates I bricked a here3 gps trying the same process. The mateksys gps has instructions to access the hardware with a usb ttl adapter so that's my next test to see if I can get this update installed
Mission Planner doesn't work to update with uvcan