Daily Archives: April 10, 2021

Reminder: Drop drones as wildfire activity increases

By MNICS REPORT Firefighters and aviation managers are asking for the public’s help again this year to prevent drones from interfering with wildfire suppression efforts. “While most drone pilots know the regulations and the importance of not flying near wildfires, drone incursions continue to happen in Minnesota,” said Leanne Langeberg, Public Information Officer with the Minnesota Interagency Fire Center. “One…

Conflict groups arm consumer drones for terror attacks

By Ben Heubl Published Friday, April 9, 2021 A Chinese commercial drone manufacturer allows its products to keep reaching rebel groups in the world’s trouble spots. Those groups use them to attack, stir fear and spread propaganda. An E&T open data analysis shows why the practice continues. Hobbyists are having a lot fun modifying drones and they post their tutorials online. Hundreds…

Living in the drone age raises new policy concerns — from battlefield ethics to personal privacy

The launch tomorrow of the Ingenuity drone by the Mars rover Perseverance is one more reminder that we are now living in the drone age. Officially “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAV’s” (or Unmanned Aerial Systems UAS’s, including ground systems), drones have actually been around for a long time. They have already come to redefine some sectors and — as artificial intelligence (AI) merges…

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